Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

WOW: Seekbeats, Drumjam, Different Drummer, Elastic Drums, Diode, Attack, Patterning...a rich field!

I just had to say that with the fairly quick successive releases of Elastic, Diode, Attack, and Patterning, I think we've got a pretty robust set of drum machines available. The perfect machine is elusive, but with this lineup, you gotta be able to find something you like.

Still, hat are we still missing?


  • I was thinking much the same.

    Two things I love: Patterning's ability to apply step by step parameter locks on multiple parameters; Elastic Drum's multiple synthesis engines. I wish either app had both features simultaneously. ED's does have the ability to parameter lock one parameter on a per step basis, (using the velocity setting) so I hope that the developer might just extend this feature.

  • A beat machine that has programmed change of BPM over a set time. Maybe one of my many beat apps does it, but I have not noticed yet. O and one that makes coffee when needed.

  • edited August 2015

    Hello all. First time Audiobus Forum poster here.

    I bought my first iPad in April, with the intention of making some manner of music with it. I was aware of an app called GarageBand, which has virtual drums that one can play simply by tapping on screen! "How interesting," I thought. "These virtual drums shall become the centrepiece of my new little hobby." I had never heard of Audiobus. I didn't know what a DAW was. Clearly I had no idea what I was getting into.

    After first exploring Caustic and Gadget, I realized that the more traditional linear approach of Auria was more my speed. I needed a drum machine to record into Auria, and settled on DM1. A classic, it seemed. Wanting for more acoustic sounding drums as well, I finally caved and shelled out big scratch for DrumPerfect. Now, all my rhythmic needs had been met. The possibilities were endless. The iOS world was my beatbox.

    I the past two weeks, I have added Elastic Drums, Diode-108, and now Patterning to my drum arsenal. I'm good on drum apps now. Really, I am.

    So, with all the current iOS drum options, what are we still missing? Not a whole lot, if you ask me. I can now, with one finger, in one minute, create a one bar polyrhythmic pattern so complex that an orchestra of Reich and Zappa trained percussionists would drop their mallets in frustration and scratch their heads.

    The trick for me, now, is using all these fantastic apps tastefully. To resist becoming the Malmsteen or Satriani (no offence to either) of iOS drum tracks. Sure, it's blast to use Patterning to create a loop that only repeats when Haley's Comet appears, but can I use that in a tune? That's the challenge for me now. Knowing when to scale it back, and to keep it simple.
  • I think I'm all set with patterning, elastic, seekbeats, drumjam, and impaktor.

    I will be deleting funkbox, dm1, diode108 for now, as well as the various other drum apps I have.

    Streamlining is good to do :D

  • @Cliffy -- hello and welcome to the adventure! It's an exciting time to get into iOS music making. Good luck!

  • Welcome Cliffy!

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