Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

Download on the App Store

Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Audiobus Update: What did it do?

Nave and Z3tA still not working in Audiobus and some Apps still opening weird.


  • Oh dear....have you tried a reboot?

  • @monzo said:
    Oh dear....have you tried a reboot?

    I don't even know.

    Why, did the problems get repaired for you?

  • edited June 2015

    @RustiK said:
    Why, did the problems get repaired for you?

    I haven't updated yet, I've learned since being on here that it's best to wait until @johnnygoodyear has tried it first just in case it breaks his ipad, but I usually find rebooting, and loading the apps in and out of AB a few times sometimes fixes things. Maybe there's a cache somewhere that gets clogged up and needs a clean out.

  • @monzo I know my place...


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  • @RustiK said:

    It's common knowledge (or at least it should) that you better restart your device after updating something"important".Many errors got fixed that way.Just like in the very old windows days...

  • FWIW, this update DIDN'T work for me until I'd hard rebooted and then it was fine....

  • @JohnnyGoodyear said:
    FWIW, this update DIDN'T work for me until I'd hard rebooted and then it was fine....

    Ungh... What? Can you elaborate on what didn't work after the update, please?

  • edited June 2015

    @Sebastian Sorry if I was being to short/rubbish there. I opened Sunriser and then (as a separate test subsequently) Alchemy (my always works and sometimes troublesome go to options for initial testing of things) and neither gave me any sound, despite closing them up, re-opening etc etc. Rebooted, both worked and are working. Air 1/8.3

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