Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Patterning 2 midi to SeekBeats

I still learning how to send MIDI from Patterning. Now with Patterning 2 I've managed to send MIDI notes to SeekBeats via AUM. (I've tried with no "middleman", then with AB3 and finally succeeded with AUM)

Unfortunately no velocity is sent (all notes have the same volume). In Patterning2 one can add a lot of CC layers and I wonder if one of these can control velocity. Anyone knows?


  • I doubt it. Velocity information is baked into the midi note messages- it is part of the note message format. A note message has just 3 numbers in its data stream; the first establishes that it’s a note message, and also which midi channel, the second is the pitch, and the third is the loudness (velocity). That’s it.

    That sounds like a bug with reception in seekbeats. It might be worth using a midi monitor (I use Midi Wrench) to spy on the messages from patterning, and see if velocity shows up. Like, just make a hi hat pattern, 4 beats, and give a different velocity for each hit. That should show up as different numbers in the monitor.

    I can confirm velocity is working, with patterning 2’s midi output, here, at least.

  • Thank you for the answer, @Processaurus
    I also tried to send midi notes to Mersenne, just to test, and as I remember, it didn't listened to velocity. I will try again but it isn't something I'm going to use a lot of time in.

    I've given up using SeekBeats and stick to Patterning 2 and its samples.

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