Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

Download on the App Store

Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Beatmaker 2 ...I almost forgot how cool this is... old awesome to be able to create your own instruments and map them to the keyboards and make amazing tracks... still a favorite place of mine to go when I'm writing. Here's an older piece all done with custom instruments made in BM2....what a collosal pain in the butt this



  • Nice track! I am increasingly paying attention to, and enjoying, "cinematic" music like this.

  • edited December 2016

    Bring on BM3 :smile: great track

  • Really great track man... Bravo?.

    Bring on BM3 yeah... ;-)

  • The next update will have link. Just announced. BM2 is still the most powerful app out there.

  • And BM2 will get Link soonish too :)

  • great news!

  • Cool works great on the iPhone too!

  • DerekBuddemeyer, that is an excellent track!!

  • So I don't have BM2, I guess forget waiting for BM3 and just get BM2 now with LINK, right?

  • They said BM3 will come early 2017

  • @RustiK said:
    So I don't have BM2, I guess forget waiting for BM3 and just get BM2 now with LINK, right?

    BM3 will add IAA effects support as well as iOS AU support.

  • I hate to be 'that guy', but don't we have a dedicated forum section for posting the music we make with these apps? First Alchemy and now Beatmaker, why not post the track there and leave this forum just for discussion. Good track, don't get me wrong. Maybe I'm in the minority....

  • Has the dev spilled the beans at all about what the "workflow" enhancements are going to be? The main reason I never got on with BM2 was the endless hunting and pecking through layer after layer of the interface.

  • Yeah, me too, the thing that gets me is that every single time i go to another app on the iPhone and then comeback to BM2, it acts like if I just launched it and asks whether to use last auto save or new project or something.

    Also, the filing gets me so confused. It says to save, then when you save, you don't know if to create new folder, or save as is. It's too confusing..But it's still one awesome app for recording tho, especially on the iphone.

  • @MusicMan4Christ said:
    ... the thing that gets me is that every single time i go to another app on the iPhone and then comeback to BM2, it acts like if I just launched it and asks whether to use last auto save or new project or something.

    I love BM2 but I admit that this almost kills it :-(

  • @ElGregoLoco said:

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    ... the thing that gets me is that every single time i go to another app on the iPhone and then comeback to BM2, it acts like if I just launched it and asks whether to use last auto save or new project or something.

    I love BM2 but I admit that this almost kills it :-(

    Main settings for the app, (in your phone or iPad device settings) has a toggle for "keep running in background"

  • I have it exactly like that and it still does it. The only time it doesn't it's when it's hosted inside Audiobus.

  • edited December 2016

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    I have it exactly like that and it still does it. The only time it doesn't it's when it's hosted inside Audiobus.

    Ok now I'm on this. What's your device and OS? (I can't duplicate the fault on iPhone 6, iOS 10.1)

  • Im on the iphone 5s and latest OS on an iPad Air 1.
    What happens is that when I say go back to sampletank to select an instrument or what ever or say go to another synth app, outside of BM2, when I return to BM2 it auto-restarts and asks me what i said before. This doesn't happen while hosted in AB though.

  • edited December 2016

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Im on the iphone 5s and latest OS on an iPad Air 1.
    What happens is that when I say go back to sampletank to select an instrument or what ever or say go to another synth app, outside of BM2, when I return to BM2 it auto-restarts and asks me what i said before. This doesn't happen while hosted in AB though.

    Ok I just duplicated the fault when I left BM2 and opened ThumbJam...
    Then I went to the main setting page again, shut off the "leave app open in background" toggle, then toggled it back on.
    Now I can go out of ThumbJam, or Alchemy, and back in with out it closing...give that a try?

  • Just tried it and it doesn't do it anymore,. Loaded empty preset midi track to drive Oddy and worked like a charm!

  • @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Just tried it and it doesn't do it anymore,. Loaded empty preset midi track to drive Oddy and worked like a charm!

    Classic high-level Info-Tech: shut something off then turn it on again...!

  • Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

  • @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

    Glad to hear it :)

  • @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

    This bug basically ruined BM2 for me so a fix is very cool. Question: Does this background toggling fix need to be done everytime BM2 is used anew? Meaning after days of not using it, closing all apps in the drawer, powering down, etc?

  • @Littlewoodg said:

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

    Glad to hear it :)

    I have to try that, it would be so good if I can solve the issue on my iPad Air 2 with iOS10...

    Note : currently, I'm getting crazy because BM2 fully reloads each time I copy a sample from Audioshare to BM2 (I mean, I open audioshare, I select 'copy to general pasteboard' and then come back to BM2 and bam I have to restart everything... )

  • edited December 2016

    @JRSIV said:

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

    This bug basically ruined BM2 for me so a fix is very cool. Question: Does this background toggling fix need to be done everytime BM2 is used anew? Meaning after days of not using it, closing all apps in the drawer, powering down, etc?

    @ElGregoLoco said:

    @Littlewoodg said:

    @MusicMan4Christ said:
    Yeah pretty weird it was doing it constantly now im trying everything even ST2 and it's rock solid

    Glad to hear it :)

    I have to try that, it would be so good if I can solve the issue on my iPad Air 2 with iOS10...

    Note : currently, I'm getting crazy because BM2 fully reloads each time I copy a sample from Audioshare to BM2 (I mean, I open audioshare, I select 'copy to general pasteboard' and then come back to BM2 and bam I have to restart everything... )

    Fix on iPhone works for me following morning.
    I've never had the issue at all on either iPhone or iPad, I was only able to replicate it on iPhone after a fresh reinstall, and somehow although "keep app running in background" is a default, it needed an actual on-off-on to make it stick.

    iPad (air 2, iOS 10.x) never gave me the grief maybe because I've had BM2 on there since I bought the device through a series of updates, which might have made that setting robust.

    Or: it's possible I mindlessly toggled that switch at some point...Either way import of samples and switching to other apps never caused it to reset.

    Hopefully toggling the setting works for y'all the way it worked for @Musikman4Christ

    Edit: checked the most recent manual about this just now (always the last resort, lol) and there is no mention of this toggle setting.
    Then checked intua forum, a last last resort...

  • That means bm2 is the First DAW with link Support ok iOS?!

  • edited December 2016

    @Bartlinux said:
    That means bm2 is the First DAW with link Support ok iOS?!

    That would be very cool but there's no actual Link support. Although BM2 sends very solid midi-clock, and it does run in the can do a kind of DIY Link with BM2 and Elastic Drums, which receives clock and can be started separately and keeps sync when hosted as IAA in BM2 - though Links bar accurate start would be up to you

  • @Littlewoodg said:

    @Bartlinux said:
    That means bm2 is the First DAW with link Support ok iOS?!

    That would be very cool but there's no actual Link support. Although BM2 sends very solid midi-clock, and it does run in the can do a kind of DIY Link with BM2 and Elastic Drums, which receives clock and can be started separately and keeps sync when hosted as IAA in BM2 - though Links bar accurate start would be up to you

    I think Batlinux is referring to the fact that Intua have already confirmed that Link support will be part of the next update... It's not yet in the app but it's coming soon man ;-)
    And yes, I think it will make BM2 the first iOS DAW with Link support ;-)

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