Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

AudioLayer 1.8 update



  • wimwim
    edited July 7

    You can't just temporarily change the channel the slim phatty listens to and turn off the Dominion for a bit?

  • If not, then you'll need to use something to translate the MIDI channel 1 output from AudioLayer to channel 2. mfxStrip is a handy little utility that would work for that. Send AudioLayer's midi output to it, then it's output to the slim Phatty.

    You could also use StreamByter AU with the following line of code loaded. Again, sending AudioLayer out to Streambyter and Streambyter out to the phatty.

    # Translate MIDI Channel 1 to MIDI Channel 2 
    X0 = X1
  • Hi wim, thanks for the suggestions. Ill try some more trouble shooting tonight. But as far as Audiolayer goes do you know if I can set the midi channel from within the multisample setup?

  • McDMcD
    edited July 8

    @Gar said:
    Hi wim, thanks for the suggestions. Ill try some more trouble shooting tonight. But as far as Audiolayer goes do you know if I can set the midi channel from within the multisample setup?

    AudioLayer sends its Autosampling MIDI out on channel 1 without any option to change that.
    As @wim mentioned you could use a tool like the free Streambyter app to convert the channel 1 traffic
    over top channel 2 (or any preferred channel) using this StreamByter command:

    Translate MIDI Channel 1 to MIDI Channel 2
    X0 = X1

    Note: The computer starts counting from 0 but we humans call that channel 1
    so computer channel 0 gets converted to 1 and we humans say Channel 1becomes channel 2.

    The routing of audiolayer to Streambyter is managed in AUM and then you need to configure the output of StreamByter to your intended target.

  • Just a quick follow up, setting the slim phatty to channel 1 worked, but the there must be some way between Audiolayer and AUM to set the destination channel?

  • Sorry, dont know how I missed the above suggestion, thanks McD, will try that now.

  • @Gar said:
    Sorry, dont know how I missed the above suggestion, thanks McD, will try that now.

    See my suggestion about mfxStrip above if you don't want to mess with streambyter code.

  • Hi wim, I went for mfxstrip, cos code scary! this is my current AUM setup for multisampling, anychance you could tell me where to insert mfxstrip?

  • @Gar said:
    Hi wim, I went for mfxstrip, cos code scary! this is my current AUM setup for multisampling, anychance you could tell me where to insert mfxstrip?

    Should be the same routing as @McD so kindly illustrated. Just substitute mfxStrip for Streambyter.

  • The basic idea is you have to send the midi through Streambyter or mfxStrip so that the plugin can change the midi channel for you.

  • edited July 8

    Note that you don't route MIDI using the AUM audio channels. You add the effect, like mfxStrip, to a MIDI lane, and connect it using the side menu, or the MIDI routing matrix ("snake" icon in the AUM top row).

  • I got it working hallelujah. Thanks for the help, it was doing my head in.

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