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Shame to see him kicked off twitter. He seems like a really nice guy
EDIT: not being sarcastic
@Gavinski I guess you've seen Adam Neely's take on this as well a few years back?
It's time to get some snacks
can't stand Benn Jordan.
However, i agree with him on this somewhat. really doesn't matter what pitch you decide to use as a reference.
the ability to modulate between different keys with various instruments in tune at the same time is the important part to me.
I've never heard of him* and without wanting to derail the thread, why was he kicked off Twitter?
* I try to avoid YouTube as much as possible because I'm not interested in becoming a nazi, a conspiracy theorist or a nazi conspiracy theorist
He was trying to discuss with transphobes.
That was a temporary ban, fucked up nevertheless
He's still not back:
Good lord. Thank you.
Also, he's no transphobe! His tweet was obviously taken totally out of context by some low IQ folks, he's pro-trans and his tweet that got him banned was totally pro trans. Crazy.
Nono, I wasn’t saying he was a transphobe! He was trying to discuss with some and they mass reported him. If you haven’t seen red means recordings latest YouTube video it’s well worth a watch. I have to say it’s left me very sad about pianobook and although no one cares and it won’t make a difference I will be boycotting it from now on. Christian Henson seems to be the Jeremy Clarkson of the music world… fuck that guy.
But sorry Gavinski I didn’t mean to derail your thread. That 440hz video is really good much like all of Ben Jordan’s videos, I’m a big fan of his. He’s one of the best music YouTubers out there.
I didn't think you were saying he was a transphobe, don't worry! I'm just commenting on how messed up it was that he got banned. Frankly though, even if he was expressing doubt about trans stuff, a la Christian Henson, I don't think it would necessarily be a call for a ban. People are entitled to express their opinions, unless those opinions are explicitly hateful. Saying 'I have fears / doubts about the way xxxx clinic proceeded with treating trans teens' is very far from a hate crime, in my mind.
I'll watch that Red vid though, and maybe it will make me retract that statement, cheers!
Benn mentions that vid right at the start of his too FWIW.
I know, Just linked it in case Gav had previously missed it
Another equally 'interesting' topic is Hemi-Sync...
Interesting - what do you not like about him?
You agree somewhat? What part don't you agree with?
I know he mentioned it but haven't watched - will do know. Any trans rights discussion would be better taken to the 'padded cell' chat btw, this post was never intended to turn into a discussion of the whole Spitfire saga and is not the place for it, although it is a very interesting discussion and one worth having.
Well Twitter has taken an extreme turn for the worse lately, so no surprises there.
Is this... cancel culture? 🤨
Take it to the padded cell please Richard!
Let's please keep this on the topic of Benn's vid and the overall topic of frequencies / culture / psychological effects of different frequencies / cultural biases towards certain frequencies etc 😁
For those who don't know, that most deeply off topic thread is here:
I'd love to hear @dcollett's view on this 432 vs 440 issue
The chakra part of this is cracking me up
Actually I quite like doing chanting etc, and we could make a whole other thread about that, but hell no, those resonances are not set up for polyphony 😂
@Gavinski Why stop at 432Hz, 528Hz it's where it's at LOL
'Pseudo-Science' is for the truly weak minds...'s the power of suggestion at play BIG time. (Like the 'Delta Sleep Music' which is supposed to help people sleep better).
This video is trash, but isn't there quite a lot of evidence relating sound to triggering certain brainwave states
I mean the first vid btw, the lecture
I know, I've played around a LOT with hemi-sync related stuff when I was still using my Amiga...
...ex. 50hz sine-wave in one ear and phase inverted 53Hz sine in the other to create a 3Hz Mind-F*ck etc.
This could be also translated to pulsating tempos where the pulses are constant at specific intervals or LFOs modulating parameters over time and LFOs modulating LFOs etc. etc.
Used to have a specific chart of frequencies (found on usenet back in the days) but all I can find now are 'frequency ranges'.
I've also analyzed Suzanne Cianis Seven Waves in detail and most intervals could be found on those tracks. the way one of my all-time favorite records ever produced.
OT but I have to share another track from the Seven Waves album...
(I still get chills from this one and it makes me feel super calm).
In India, where much of the western woo woo originates, the tuning standard for classical musicians (people playing ragas) is whatever note is convenient. Usually it's determined by the singer's range. If the singer is playing with an instrumentalist whose instrument won't tune to that, then they go with wherever the instrument is tuned. They very much have tuning standards, but it's relative, not absolute.
Maybe , you can direct us to this evidence.