Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.


  • I'm hoping this is just a warm up for something more from them.

  • @1P18 said:

    I'm hoping this is just a warm up for something more from them.

    That's what people have been saying since Figure came out over 2 years ago...

  • edited July 2014

    @Zymos said:

    That's what people have been saying since Figure came out over 2 years ago...

    Is that bitterness I sense? Thor was a solid release.

  • Not bitter at all, nor am I one of the people hoping/expecting Reason for iOS.

  • Love Propellerheads apps but I think they stay to long to update their apps with new features.

  • I just wish they'd fix Thor's MIDI implementation. I don't really expect new features for that, being a port of an existing synth.
    Figure has had 10 updates, most of which have actually added features, not just fixes. Not bad for a 99 cent app, I'd say.

  • @Zymos said:

    Not bitter at all, nor am I one of the people hoping/expecting Reason for iOS.

    I would be surprised if they went all out with an iOS version of Reason. I was thinking more along the lines of a device from Reason, like they did with Thor. But yeah if they want to go all out I'd take that too.

  • Well, since it's free I took Take.

  • Given IAA and AB, they should be able to modularize Reason which would give us a close equivalent.

  • @Zymos said:

    Not bitter at all, nor am I one of the people hoping/expecting Reason for iOS.

    Same here at least a half Reason

  • If reason came to iOS I would be very happy. I haven't used it since version 4,but I loved the workflow. And considering I used version 2 on my pentium 2 dell laptop, saving songs to 3.5" floppy disks, and that computer had maybe 16mb of ram, I have no doubt reason can run on an iPad. If it doesn't come to iOS though life will continue.

  • edited July 2014

    Not a PC guy, but Reason does look like insane amounts of fun. However, Korg Gadget is still less than a year old (I just got it), and that thing is just crazy good. No, it isn't really comparable to the volume of "stuff" and DAW-like features contained in Reason, but it translates to iPad pretty darn well. If they do add a machine or two that does audio tracks (which is rumored) and sampling, I think it would earn even more appreciation. Oh, and importing your own samples, which seems simple enough to do if they want that to be a feature.

    As for "Take", this is 100% free with no IAP's? Hard to complain I guess, but I guess I'm missing the point of it. It's "Loopy" like, sort of, but no AudioBus, IAA, or ACP.

  • I think it's supposed to be a scratch pad.
    I haven't used gadget, but I do have nanostudio and caustic. Both are "reason like" in terms of available sounds, but reason's workflow was just very easy for me to do. Around version 4 the sequencer changed and in being more robust also got more complicated to use and I lost that ease of workflow. I probably could have gotten used to it but the type of projects I was using reason for also stopped for me, so I went in a different direction. Still, I would love it on iPad in any incarnation. Nn-xt is still the only sampler that ever made sense to me.

  • Oh , and no IAP's in take. I downloaded it, but I already use GarageBand for that purpose so I probably will delete it.

  • looks like a solid solution for quick scratch ideas and better than "voice memo"...

    however most power users would find this app redundant... haven't played with it extensively but the workflow seems is fast... Loopy is still my goto for scratch ideas...

  • I HATE the fact that to save/use this anywhere further you have to save/upload to a Propellerhead account. So, well: Un-taken.

  • @mrufino1 said:

    I think it's supposed to be a scratch pad.

    "scratch pad" also means: We don't want to cannibalize our legacy products with full-fledged apps. See: iMaschine, Figure & iElectribe

  • Just tried this out for the first time - you are required to wear headphones (fair enough), but there's no monitoring! So you have to sing without being able to hear yourself, and they actually describe this as a vocal recorder, WTF?

    A completely useless app.

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