Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

FR: AB3 scene mode

I’d love seeing a scene mode on AB3, having different sets of apps playing on the same preset :heart:
No need to get complicated, something simple (8 scenes max?) for live jamming :)


  • How many Apps use "Scenes"... just curious about the concept and to use something
    I own to better understand the concept. I'm sure there are Ableton Videos to help but
    I hate going there because it might be like that Ring Movie and where watching it foretells the death of my iPad (so I can get sucked into the Desktop Vortex that is Ableton).

    The horizontal rows in Live's Session View are called scenes. This feature allows you to launch multiple clips within a scene simultaneously. Additionally, scenes are very useful for sketching out rough arrangement ideas and organizing various song parts for live performances.

    OK. A Clip launching UI that assists in building songs for live work.

    But you'd like to trigger groups of Apps rather than "clips". Am I close? It doesn't sound trivial but like a UI for start/stop in groups. Makes sense... right now I see folks fading Apps
    in and out using sliders and many apps are probably cranking away in silence with that model.

    Still, state of the current art for EDM and DJ style music I guess.

  • @Korakios - or do you mean a "scene" in the sense that a digital mixing desk stores a scene?

    In other words - all the apps are routed to all the channels still - but the scene stores whether the channels (apps) are muted, as well as the volume slider level. (and hopefully mix bus / fx send levels soon :wink: )

  • Can't find the thread right now but @Michael recently said that he has plans for scenes in AB3. I believe he called them "presets within presets".

  • I do indeed. It's still in the figuring-out-what-we-want-from-it stage, with a little bit of R+D in the works too. I'm curious to see how feasible it is to 'preload' AUs, in particular, but keep them uninitialised so they're not taking up resources, but can be brought to action quickly. Apps (IAA) aren't gonna do that elegantly, so that's always going to be a limitation. But it'd be nice to be able to have stuff ready to go that can be triggered quickly.

    Either way, scenes will definitely capture AU/app state and mixer state, if not different sets of AUs/apps.

  • @Michael said:
    I do indeed. It's still in the figuring-out-what-we-want-from-it stage, with a little bit of R+D in the works too. I'm curious to see how feasible it is to 'preload' AUs, in particular, but keep them uninitialised so they're not taking up resources, but can be brought to action quickly. Apps (IAA) aren't gonna do that elegantly, so that's always going to be a limitation. But it'd be nice to be able to have stuff ready to go that can be triggered quickly.

    Either way, scenes will definitely capture AU/app state and mixer state, if not different sets of AUs/apps.

    I wouldn't expect a scene/snapshot to load different apps--that would require a preset change. I think capturing loaded app state and mixer state would be plenty!

  • edited April 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @Max23 raises a good point about the timing of scene changes! Would be good to have the option for immediate vs wait for next bar.

  • Yeah, that'd be nice. I'd be interested to see if I can do some kind of ramp, too, but dunno how that'd work.

  • edited April 2019
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  • Oh, I mean ramp between the parameters of each AU, so there's a smooth transition over time.

  • @Michael said:
    Oh, I mean ramp between the parameters of each AU, so there's a smooth transition over time.

    And tempo change ramp? It would be amazing. 😍

  • That's actually something that would be fairly easy in AB, but it could make some apps sad =) Loopy will struggle with that

  • @Michael said:
    Oh, I mean ramp between the parameters of each AU, so there's a smooth transition over time.

    that would be so dope :o

  • Yeah au parameter transitions would be really nice :)

  • @Michael said:
    That's actually something that would be fairly easy in AB, but it could make some apps sad =) Loopy will struggle with that

    And we do not want Loopy to struggle.😩

  • @palm said:

    @Michael said:
    Oh, I mean ramp between the parameters of each AU, so there's a smooth transition over time.

    that would be so dope :o


    But the scene mode I suggested, hopefully will also include bypassing/muting apps (audio/midi) that are not in the selected scene :)

  • @RajahP said:

    This is dope and we desperately need it for iOS “dawless” setup. Tempo changes, nah, it’s nice to have, but in live sets, I anyway want to control the tempo manually and always have it assigned on a button on a controller. I also have seen some other live performers doing the same as me - having a piece of paper with hand written notes, which were mostly about the tempo changes in the set. Sometimes you want to start it slowly and gradually, sometimes you want to change it suddenl during some non-rhythmic part etc...

  • I'd suppose that one of the biggest challenges to scene changing would be the 360 MB memory limit imposed on AU extensions. If you've got a ton of plugins loaded in the background so that scene changes are seamless, you're possibly going to head into memory issues.

    Love the idea. Just wondering about the practicalities.

  • @jonmoore said:
    I'd suppose that one of the biggest challenges to scene changing would be the 360 MB memory limit imposed on AU extensions. If you've got a ton of plugins loaded in the background so that scene changes are seamless, you're possibly going to head into memory issues.

    Love the idea. Just wondering about the practicalities.

    Well, useful for AU midi sequencers and maybe changing presets on different audio apps.
    Also morphing parameters would sound cool :)

  • In the end composition vs perform due full realtime changes are cpu hungry but not true necessary in simplified set. I hate to be the party killer but it’s easy to export to audio and load all inside launchpad app. If you want some extra looping flexibility go GTL until AUv3 version arrive and you can load it inside AUM/AB3 (or until Michael brings Loopy Masterpiece or fits it inside AB3 just an idea...)

    For the rest Modstep (also audio loop coming some day...) could be more useful than AB3/AUM scenes IMHO.

    Audiobus was a must back in the day before IAA but today with AUv3 I find the Modstep approach more logical to implement scene launching (and maybe some day arrangement view... but hey! There is also Garageband live loops!)

    IDK... too much effort too little improvement in workflow (so hard to make it profitable for devs... but I know it’s not all about the money but the music <3)

    Why not to make a collaboration with @SecretBaseDesign and @j_liljedahl guys and bring the ultimate host?

  • There are some of us who play live doing other stuff with our hands so pushing buttons doesn't work. AB3 scenes would be helpful for this use case and @Michael is a dev who has consistently paid attention to it.

  • @lukesleepwalker said:
    There are some of us who play live doing other stuff with our hands so pushing buttons doesn't work. AB3 scenes would be helpful for this use case and @Michael is a dev who has consistently paid attention to it.

    Yup, yup, yup.. I definitely feel listened to. I've run out of feature requests and these days just make music.

    Feels strange somehow. :)

  • @supadom said:

    @lukesleepwalker said:
    There are some of us who play live doing other stuff with our hands so pushing buttons doesn't work. AB3 scenes would be helpful for this use case and @Michael is a dev who has consistently paid attention to it.

    Yup, yup, yup.. I definitely feel listened to. I've run out of feature requests and these days just make music.

    Feels strange somehow. :)

    Agreed, so nice to create without constraints.

  • edited April 2019

    @skrat said:

    @RajahP said:

    This is dope and we desperately need it for iOS “dawless” setup. Tempo changes, nah, it’s nice to have, but in live sets, I anyway want to control the tempo manually and always have it assigned on a button on a controller. I also have seen some other live performers doing the same as me - having a piece of paper with hand written notes, which were mostly about the tempo changes in the set. Sometimes you want to start it slowly and gradually, sometimes you want to change it suddenl during some non-rhythmic part etc...

    Ok.. I basically will like a 'song mode' added to this..
    It's pretty amazing snap-shotting scenes and settings and can recall them on a 'note'.

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