Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

Download on the App Store

Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Synthmaster One is out!



  • @kv331audio_bulent said:
    SynthMaster One NEEDS MIDI input to trigger it's voices:

    Cool! Maybe now it's about time to contact @LFS and let his Cubasis team know that we need to be able to route/send midi to audio-tracks or plug-ins hosted on other tracks :)

  • @rtuckr said:

    @InfoCheck said:
    Ape Filter, iDensity, iVCS3 (ENV and VCF), Voice Synth, and DerVoco all have AU options for being musical effects where you can send MIDI to control them. You need an AU host that supports this functionality (e.g. AUM, Ape Matrix, and I believe Beatmaker 3 too).

    I don't think BM3's MFX works with MIDI. Have been trying to test with Der Voco on an audio track and no dice.

    I was able to get Voice Synth, Ape Filter, iDensity, and DerVoco all to effect sound in MIDI FX mode in Beatmaker 3. With Ape Filter and iDensity I was able to see the MIDI changing the parameters as expected.

  • @InfoCheck said:

    I was able to get Voice Synth, Ape Filter, iDensity, and DerVoco all to effect sound in MIDI FX mode in Beatmaker 3. With Ape Filter and iDensity I was able to see the MIDI changing the parameters as expected.

    @InfoCheck, in BM3 were you able to use a MIDI keyboard to affect the sound in Der Voco. I too could affect the audio, but not with a MIDI keyboard.

  • @rtuckr said:

    @InfoCheck said:

    I was able to get Voice Synth, Ape Filter, iDensity, and DerVoco all to effect sound in MIDI FX mode in Beatmaker 3. With Ape Filter and iDensity I was able to see the MIDI changing the parameters as expected.

    @InfoCheck, in BM3 were you able to use a MIDI keyboard to affect the sound in Der Voco. I too could affect the audio, but not with a MIDI keyboard.

    Since we’ve gone off topic, your answer is here.

  • @rtuckr said:

    @InfoCheck said:

    I was able to get Voice Synth, Ape Filter, iDensity, and DerVoco all to effect sound in MIDI FX mode in Beatmaker 3. With Ape Filter and iDensity I was able to see the MIDI changing the parameters as expected.

    @InfoCheck, in BM3 were you able to use a MIDI keyboard to affect the sound in Der Voco. I too could affect the audio, but not with a MIDI keyboard.

    I just tried using devoco’s internal synth and no problem. I don’t use an external keyboard, but if bm3’s works I gues that means dervoco is recieving midi?

  • @denx said:

    @rtuckr said:

    @InfoCheck said:

    I was able to get Voice Synth, Ape Filter, iDensity, and DerVoco all to effect sound in MIDI FX mode in Beatmaker 3. With Ape Filter and iDensity I was able to see the MIDI changing the parameters as expected.

    @InfoCheck, in BM3 were you able to use a MIDI keyboard to affect the sound in Der Voco. I too could affect the audio, but not with a MIDI keyboard.

    I just tried using devoco’s internal synth and no problem. I don’t use an external keyboard, but if bm3’s works I gues that means dervoco is recieving midi?

    Since we’ve gone off topic, your answer is here.

  • @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @kv331audio_bulent said:
    Quick question: I wanna test inserting SynthMaster One iOS as an effect into an audio track. Which DAW app would you guys recommend for this? Auria unfortunately doesnt' work yet with SM1.

    How does this work? Should it also show up as an AU effect? I have never actually seen an app be both instrument and FX plugin but I would love to have these availablein BM3. Virsyn actaully released a seperate AU of just their fx. I could totaly see that working with these.

    I managed to create an "FX" version of it, yes:

    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

  • @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

  • How does this synth compare sound wise to serum, or on iOS scythe?? I’m more of a dnb producer when it comes to synths I like that nasty 😷 nasty...

  • @skulptur_sound said:
    How does this synth compare sound wise to serum, or on iOS scythe?? I’m more of a dnb producer when it comes to synths I like that nasty 😷 nasty...

    The best guy to ask that to is the forum member @brice

  • edited June 2018

    The layout of SM1 is highly OPTIMAL and "usable"!

    My personal favorite so far is the Vibrato knob in OSC1 & OSC2 and Vibrato LFO (VLFO) with pre-delay/attack! Cool - you guys know how vibrato should be implemented. Does it need a Release knob in VLFO?

    Here are some issues I found in the UI on scratching its surface (haven't used it to design sounds or as AU, yet):

    Scrolling lists is still hyper active - after swiping and releasing, it keeps scrolling and sometimes - in the opposite direction. All lists have the same scrolling issues (even the lists in Settings).

    SUB-oscillator is tied to the selected OSCillator. On tapping OSC2, the sub oscillator header still displays as SUB1. But if you tap the down arrow in its header, it displays "Edit Osc2" in the popup title. Also, if you tap Mode dropdown (where it displays "Sub"), it displays a popup with the title "Osc2:Sub Mode" but the title of the section is SUB1. This section title is not synced and misleading and it should switch to SUB2 on selecting OSC2.

    Close popups after tapping the screen in the synth area (not the keyboard) instead of forcing to tap on the close X button on popups. Here is an issue:

    Tap a control in OSC1 that opens a popup with the X box. Now tap OSC2 - the popup from OSC1 is still open and misleading as though it is related to OSC2 which is currently active!

    Keep popups open when keyboard is used so we could try various options in the popup lists to see how the sound changes for each selection (see: Sunrizer). Because SM1 has multi-level cascading menus, this behavior would be ideal instead of navigating multi-level menus again and again for each change/tap on the keyboard. Close popups on tapping in the synth area (OSC1, OSC2, MOD, LFO, FX, header, etc). Or this behavior could be made as a preference Setting:

    Close Popups on tapping the:

    ( ) X/close box
    (o) Synth area (like Sunrizer)
    ( ) Anywhere (like Cubasis)


    In the Polyphony dropdown on the top-left, it has Poly, Mono and Legato options.
    Does Legato auto switch to Mono? If not, maybe add Legato+Mono and Legato+Poly items in the dropdown?
    Legato typically works well in conjunction with Mono and Portamento/Glide.

    In AU, clicking Undo repeatedly sometimes does not reach the beginning of the undo history - both buttons remain highlighted.

    Offer an Undo/Redo History list popup (tap and hold on the undo/redo buttons for the popup, maybe?) to select how far back/forward we can undo/redo with just one tap (see: NanoStudio). If there are 10 items in the history popup, we can quickly undo/redo until the step 6 with just one tap. This will also allow us to "know" which change we are undoing/redoing beforehand. I wish Cubasis had this feature!

    Recent Presets list does not get saved across relaunches. This could be saved and restored from previous session for quick access and ease of use. This is like Recent Documents in Windows and should work similarly even after rebooting.

    Save Preset As dialog -
    Offer File Name to save as (as-is). Pre-populate its value from the current preset.

    Offer "Save to Bank" as a dropdown of available banks (exclude Factory/IAP/Favorites banks from this list).
    Offer another "Create new Bank" field to enter a new bank name to save under (use 2 radio buttons for the above and this field to indicate bank choice). This should not be the same as Factory/IAP/Favorites bank names.

    Offer Instrument Type, Style and Author attributes fields right on the Save As dialog and "pre-populate" their values from the current preset.

    Do not allow to overwrite or modify Factory/IAP presets (like any other software/hardware synth). These should be read-only. Do not allow to save user presets under Factory/IAP/Favorites banks.

    Here is a suggested prototype dialog:

    File Name: [FILE NAME FIELD]
    (o) Save to Bank: [BANK LIST DROPDOWN - single selection]
    ( ) Create new Bank: [BANK FIELD]
    Instrument Type: [INSTRUMENT TYPE LIST DROPDOWN - single selection]
    Style: [STYLE LIST DROPDOWN - single selection]
    Author: [AUTHOR FIELD]


    What does the Files box do on Save Preset As dialog? It's always empty. You could populate this with the list of presets in the selected Bank so tapping on a file item in the list should set the File Name field with the value of the tapped file item. However, overwriting factory/IAP presets or saving into factory/IAP/Favorites banks should not be allowed unless saving into a user bank.

    Favorites is a system bank of unmodified factory/IAP presets - like bookmarks/links (a flag value on each preset) and hence should not be allowed to save user presets into this bank.

    Offer an option to move selected presets across user banks. This action may be implemented on the above Save As dialog to MOVE the file.

    Offer an option to delete presets from user banks.

    What is it that displays behind the box when we tap on CPU and Voices in Preset box?

    Rename Favourites to Favorites or render this word based on user's Country/location with appropriate spelling.

    Move Favorites from the dropdown into Bank list in Browser. Favorites is just another bank/folder and ideally belongs here in the Bank list.

    Setting a Preset as Default does not work when we tap Load Default Preset or relaunch the app :neutral: . It goes back to factory default arp preset. Tapping Load Default Preset or relaunching the app should load the newly saved default preset.

    The Level meters next to Volume knob on the top-right should display in gradient Green (bottom) + Yellow + Orange + Red (top). It should display Red on the top only when the level is peaking/clipping. Currently, these meters show only yellow on the bottom and always have red on the top regardless of the volume level and misleading.

    Offer a star on each preset to mark/unmark them as Favorites (see: Sunrizer, Kauldron). Also add a Duplicate and Share icons next to each preset (see: Synth One opensource app).

    Offer ability to share/export selected/highlighted presets in a bank.

    Offer ability to share/export an entire bank of presets.

    Offer ability to share/export all the non-factory presets of all the non-factory banks to backup data.

    Offer an option to import presets into a chosen user bank or a new user bank.

    Opening the Browser should scroll to the currently loaded preset and highlight it.

    Offer a Clear All (X) button on the Browser to clear all the selected filter tags (in ALL the lists) to un-filter and re-display all presets with just one tap.

    Offer a Clear (X) button on each list header (Type, Style, Author, Bank, etc) to clear selections in that list only with one tap.

    Show the computed count of items/rows in each list header - something like "Author (15)" or "Style (45)", etc. Also, the computed row count should refresh on filtering presets showing how many presets match the current filters.

    Prefix each item in the lists with the computed row number to indicate their position in the list. These row numbers should refresh on filtering presets.

    The width of the Presets list is too wide. Make it 50:50 with Author list's width.

    Offer an X box at the end of the Preset search field to clear the entered preset name value with one tap (also in any input field: File Name, Bank Name, etc). This is standard behavior on iOS.

    Dragging the header of a section to drop on a knob to set modulation does not display the dragged header as we drag (it disappears). Display the header ghost image or at least a generic drag-icon continuously to indicate the drag action in progress and the action did not get canceled.

    Double tapping on knobs/faders should reset their value to their default values (0, 50, etc).

    Offer a WAVETABLE tab/section next to ARP/SEQ tab to "always" display the wavetable graph. If there is no room for the new WAVETABLE tab, make the tab-names scrollable horizontally! :smile:

    Display the waveform oscillation in action as we play or playback in the ROUTING tab area to display the waveform "while" it plays or plays back (see: Synth One video).

    Tone glitch - turn the knob all the way down, test a note sound, tap Tone > tap Set to Default from the popup menu > goes to max > test a note sound => tone does not change but sounds as though turned all the way down. Slightly decrease tone and turn it again up all the way to max => tone changes.

    For those saying knobs are tiny for the fingers, offer a toggle button in each section header to magnify/zoom/double the section size like ARP/SEQ with magnified knobs/faders/etc. Problem solved!

    The Octave switch < > buttons appear faded as though they are disabled and not tappable. Color them correctly like other buttons.

    Velocity & Vibrato - The BEST implementation of velocity and vibrato is found in GarageBand => force tap for velocity and swipe up/down for vibrato which will let us play/record PRECISE vibrato "expressively" as we play/record. Cubasis implements velocity in the opposite direction of SM1 (louder on the bottom, softer on the top of the keys). Please stick to GB's implementation of velocity and vibrato! It is the BEST design!! Period.

    SM1 is crashing while using soft keyboard at times.

    Offer a Dark Theme and make it as optional choice under Settings. 50% of the synth is already dark. So the other 50% may be trivial to theme/color as dark.

    Use condensed fonts if necessary to accommodate more content/text (see: Poison-202, Synth One, discontinued Alchemy Mobile screenshots online)

    Which of the above issues will be fixed in the next update? :smiley:

  • @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

  • @AudioGus said:

    @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    What existing synth does this compare to Gus, and does it bring anything new to the table?

    Impressive sound for CPU usage in Doug’s vid.

  • @MonzoPro said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    What existing synth does this compare to Gus, and does it bring anything new to the table?

    Impressive sound for CPU usage in Doug’s vid.

    I have heard it compared to Massive. To me as an ultra synth novice it feels like Zeeon and Nave made a baby. The sound engine or whatever, under the hood, is just glorious and full sounding. I dont see getting another synth until a similar caliber of dev does a pure vst conversion like this.

  • @AudioGus said:

    @MonzoPro said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    What existing synth does this compare to Gus, and does it bring anything new to the table?

    Impressive sound for CPU usage in Doug’s vid.

    I have heard it compared to Massive. To me as an ultra synth novice it feels like Zeeon and Nave made a baby. The sound engine or whatever, under the hood, is just glorious and full sounding. I dont see getting another synth until a similar caliber of dev does a pure vst conversion like this.

    Cheers Gus. It certainly looks like it could be an NI VST. I was impressed with the sounds from your demo, and Doug’s vid.

    I was trying to weigh up whether to get Apematrix or Steppolyarp, and now this bugger had turned up...

  • @MonzoPro
    between the three, I made my decision for Synthmaster and staying on the fence relative to the other two. no regrets so far. .

  • @MobileMusic wow now that’s what you call thorough

  • @nick said:
    between the three, I made my decision for Synthmaster and staying on the fence relative to the other two. no regrets so far. .

    Thanks Nick. Yeah I’ve pretty much ruled out Apematrix as I’ve already got AUM and Rozeta. Curious about SPA, but nice to see Synyhmaster has a built in arp.

  • edited June 2018

    @MonzoPro said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @MonzoPro said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    Awesome! Will be so nice to use these FX on samples etc. Will really help tie the mix together.

    YES of course! so you can turn SynthMaster One into an FX rack.
    BTW , works perfectly in AUM (y)

    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    What existing synth does this compare to Gus, and does it bring anything new to the table?

    Impressive sound for CPU usage in Doug’s vid.

    I have heard it compared to Massive. To me as an ultra synth novice it feels like Zeeon and Nave made a baby. The sound engine or whatever, under the hood, is just glorious and full sounding. I dont see getting another synth until a similar caliber of dev does a pure vst conversion like this.

    Cheers Gus. It certainly looks like it could be an NI VST. I was impressed with the sounds from your demo, and Doug’s vid.

    I was trying to weigh up whether to get Apematrix or Steppolyarp, and now this bugger had turned up...

    i started some 4/4 boom/hiss Turnado and it sounds freakin amazing. I can now start to cross off 'epic psytrance mix' from the bucket list. :naughty: :heart: :naughty:

  • Aha, I finally caved and bought it! Now to quickly finish the dishes so I can dive back in.

    Quick question, how do you know if the extra 200 presets downloaded after registration? I just registered and got a pop up saying nothing had been downloaded..

  • @Keenan said:
    Aha, I finally caved and bought it! Now to quickly finish the dishes so I can dive back in.

    Quick question, how do you know if the extra 200 presets downloaded after registration? I just registered and got a pop up saying nothing had been downloaded..

    if it says nothing downloaded then it looks like there was a network issue, you can try registering again.

  • edited June 2018

    @Keenan said:
    Aha, I finally caved and bought it! Now to quickly finish the dishes so I can dive back in.

    Quick question, how do you know if the extra 200 presets downloaded after registration? I just registered and got a pop up saying nothing had been downloaded..

    Yeah, the dialog saying the extra 200 presets were downloaded is so quick as though nothing happened/downloaded or it maybe that all the 500 presets were already downloaded along with the initial download but hidden and when you register, it just flips the switch and displays all the 500 as long as the registration is kept intact. I've not counted the list so far but have made a suggestion above to display a row count in each list header in the Browser based on filters or not.

    Screw the dishes - just go and hit the app :smiley:

  • @universe said:
    @MobileMusic wow now that’s what you call thorough

    It's just a surface-level sanity testing.
    It's not monkey testing or gorilla testing :smiley:

  • @MobileMusic said:

    @Keenan said:
    Aha, I finally caved and bought it! Now to quickly finish the dishes so I can dive back in.

    Quick question, how do you know if the extra 200 presets downloaded after registration? I just registered and got a pop up saying nothing had been downloaded..

    Yeah, the dialog saying the extra 200 presets were downloaded is so quick as though nothing happened/downloaded or it maybe that all the 500 presets were already downloaded along with the initial download but hidden and when you register, it just flips the switch and displays all the 500 as long as the registration is kept intact. I've not counted the list so far but have made a suggestion above to display a row count in each list header in the Browser based on filters or not.

    Screw the dishes - just go and hit the app :smiley:

    Good idea! I’m also wondering whether the presets from the desktop version transferred over after registering. Does it involve any additional steps?

  • edited June 2018

    @AudioGus said:
    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    No no no, it works PERFECTLY with BM3 (just tested!) BM3 sends the same midi to the FX as well so you can create really nice beats combining BM3's drum kits with SM as an FX processor!

  • @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    No no no, it works PERFECTLY with BM3 (just tested!) BM3 sends the same midi to the FX as well so you can create really nice beats combining BM3's drum kits with SM as an FX processor!

    Woah this synth just keeps on getting more and more sexy

  • @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    No no no, it works PERFECTLY with BM3 (just tested!) BM3 sends the same midi to the FX as well so you can create really nice beats combining BM3's drum kits with SM as an FX processor!

    Ahhh! Now perhaps I can’t sleep until the new update arrives from Mr. KV331!

    When can we hopefully see this update (FX-version)?

    It s lovely as it is today, but, a supersynth can become a mega supersynth ;-)

  • @kv331audio_bulent said:

    @AudioGus said:
    So for working in BM3, is there something Intua would need to implement on there end?

    No no no, it works PERFECTLY with BM3 (just tested!) BM3 sends the same midi to the FX as well so you can create really nice beats combining BM3's drum kits with SM as an FX processor!

    @kv331audio_bulent, did you say you were working to enable both external audio and MIDI inputs to pass through to the AUv3 (assuming the host allows), i.e. to make use of the vocoder via an external keyboard and microphone?

  • @rtuckr said:
    @kv331audio_bulent, did you say you were working to enable both external audio and MIDI inputs to pass through to the AUv3 (assuming the host allows), i.e. to make use of the vocoder via an external keyboard and microphone?

    Yeah, and looks like it's working with AUM and BM3.

  • @gosnote said:
    Good idea! I’m also wondering whether the presets from the desktop version transferred over after registering. Does it involve any additional steps?

    No it doesn't involve any additional steps. Just enter your name, email (serial if you have desktop license), and that's it. it downloads the bank file to \Presets and refreshes browser.

This discussion has been closed.